Wellness Wednesday: Mentor Someone

Last week, I used this space to celebrate Joan Wing.  The post generated a ton of feedback, mostly from lawyers grateful for Joan having mentored them.  The feedback got me thinking.

Then, I read this post in the ABA Journal.  The post references a survey of Florida’s young lawyers.  Per the survey, many of Florida’s young lawyers aren’t happy with their chosen profession.  The results got me thinking even more.

In my post on Joan, I suggested that we try to be more like her.  Mentoring a younger attorney presents an opportunity to do so.

I can hear you now: how’s that wellness?  The Vermonter that I am, I answer your question with my own: how’s it not?  Consider:

What if:

  • you showed a younger attorney that you cared enough to help her become a better attorney?
  • you helped a newer attorney avoid some of the mistakes you made as a younger attorney?
  • introduced an attorney who is brand new to Vermont to other attorneys who have established themselves here?
  • did nothing more than listen to a younger attorney who is frustrated, anxious and questioning whether he wants to continue in the profession?

It’d certainly help the younger attorney’s wellness, and likely would help yours as well.  Not only that, you might learn a thing or two from the younger attorney.  Umm, tech competence anyone?

And if that’s not enough, there’s CLE credit!

A few years ago, the Vermont Supreme Court adopted new Rules of Admission.  The rules did away with the “clerkship.”  Now, whether by exam or motion, new lawyers have one year to complete 15 hours of CLE in the basics of Vermont practice & procedure.  Additionally, attorneys admitted by exam have one year to complete a mentorship.  Mentors are eligible for up to 5 hours of CLE credit per reporting period.

We need mentors.  If interested, email me. I keep a list of those willing to serve.

Mentoring helps.  And, as Joan proved, helping is wellness.

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