CC, BCC, and a lawyer’s duty of competence.

I can hear you now.

  • “Mike, what the heck do CC & BCC have to do with my duty of competence?”

Thank you!! The fact that you know you have a duty of competence is music to my ears!

Now, back to your question.

In my view, the duty of competence includes a duty to have a basic understanding of the benefits and risks of using technology while representing a client.  For example, understanding the risks of “CC-ing” or “BCC-ing” a client on an e-mail to opposing counsel.

So, to bcc or not to bcc?  That is the question.  It’s a question worth considering, if only not to suffer the slings and arrows of angry clients & frustrated opposing counsel.

I’ve blogged on this issue before:

The posts reference advisory opinions from North Carolina and New York.  The opinions list the reasons not to “cc” clients, “bcc” clients, or “reply-all” to an email in which opposing counsel “cc’d” a client.   Any or all can lead a lawyer right into the danger zone.

Seriously Lana, call Kenny Loggins.

Last month, the Alaska Bar Association issued Ethics Opinion 2018-01: E-Mail Correspondence with Opposing Counsel While Sending a Copy to the Client.  The opinion is consistent with those issued by the North Carolina and New York bars.

Here’s a summary of the Alaska Bar’s opinion:

  • A lawyer has a duty to act competently to protect a client’s confidences.
  • A lawyer has a duty not to communicate with a represented party on the subject of the representation.
  • Lawyers are encouraged not to “cc” or “bcc” their clients on electronic communications to opposing counsel.
  • A more prudent practice is to forward the client a copy of a sent e-mail.
  • At the outset of any matter, lawyers should agree on a “cc” and “reply-all” protocol.
  • Absent a protocol, s lawyer has a duty to inquire whether opposing counsel’s “cc” to opposing counsel’s client is permission to “reply-all.”

Good recommendations.

Stay safe out there.  And, remember: competence includes tech competence.

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